developer of modern information technologies, platforms and IT tools for working with information for business professionals and government in various countries of the world.
360° risk check & monitoring IT-platform that unifies business, judicial, and media info streams, providing you a wider perspective to be 100% sure about every decision
Our vision
An innovative Ukrainian IT product company – a developer of modern information technologies, platforms and IT tools for working with information for business professionals and government in various countries of the world.
Our mission
Innovative support for the successful development of business and professionals by providing the best IT solutions for working with information.
30 years
of perfect reputation
250 +
160 000
users of LIGA ZAKON solutions
quality certification
Amidst the outbreak of a full-scale war, LIGA ZAKON provides free access to LIGA360 for 7,6K specialists of state institutions for a total amount of more than 21.5M UAH.
To detect an enemy trail and toxic traces with russian federation and belarus, the company creates LIGA360 SQUAD - free IT solution for state officials and investigative journalists.
Launch of the innovative contract management system Contractum
For its 30th anniversary, LIGA ZAKON updates its company logo as a symbol of change in business approaches and market positioning
LIGA ZAKON moves to a new product portfolio under the LIGA360 brand
A customized LIGA system was created in collaboration with the Ukrainian National Bar Association. LIGA360: the UNBA Attorney is designed to cover the needs of all Ukrainian lawyers.
A new product - LIGA360 for business - is launched during Covid-19 time as support for Ukrainian companies and entrepreneurs
A full database of ECtHR decisions is released on the LIGA360 platform
The second all-Ukrainian rating of the legal market LIGA ZAKON Awards (online)
Verdictum Pro is upgraded with the court decision forecast feature
The company changes its positioning - from individual products to a multi-faceted solution for businesses
ReporTax bot-accountant is released
Second conference on business protection Safe Side 2.0
Introduction of first national award “Vybir bukhaltera ta audytora” (“The choice of accountant and auditor”)
The first all-Ukrainian rating of the legal market LIGA ZAKON Awards
Meetup for lawyers and CEOs for business protection Safe Side 2.1
All products by LIGA ZAKON are integrated into the cloud-service
«Easy work index for accountants» research project launch
Media monitoring service Semantrum joins platform
Launch of the service "SMS-Mayak Mortgage" (Land) by LIGA ZAKON
The first conference on business protection Safe Side
Launch of Report – an online reporting service for accountants & business
Report is integrated into the platform
Legal positions database is launched
The first Calculator of procedural terms is released for the Ukrainian market
Receiving the title of Industry Leader according to the National Business Rating - 2015
An innovative development - LIGA ZAKON Platform - is presented to the market
New product ContrAgent
SMS-Mayak service is released
Launch of LIGA:Hub project
Accounting service Interbuh is added to LIGA ZAKO
Launch of “Map of Legislative Innovation - 2015” project
The Unified Classification approach is introduced
Tablet versions of electronic magazines Yuryst&Zakon (“Lawyer&Law”), Bukhalter&Zakon (“Accountant&Law”), Visnyk MSFZ (“Bulletin of IFRS”), and iOS version for informational legal system LZ Lawyer
"Law for ALL", "Legal Aid for ATO Victims" project launch
A new line of LIGA ZAKON information and legal systems (LZ Enterprise, LZ Lawyer, LZ Accountant)
Release of the Unified Informational Platform “LIGA ZAKON for all”
New releases of LIGA ZAKON 9.2 and Verdictum 2.0 with improved functionality and new features
New product for accountants and entrepreneurs Boom
Release of a new complex system LIGA ZAKON Professional
iOS Mobile Legal Apps - LIGA ZAKON News and LIGA ZAKON for Accountant
Introduction of Verdictum - system for court decision analysis
New module: Pidkazka (“Hint”) - a joint project with "M.E.D.O.K."
Launch of the analytical magazine Visnyk MSFZ (“Bulletin of IFRS”)
LIGA ZAKON 9.0 - a revolutionary system with single-line intellectual search - is released
Launch of Jurliga – independent online media for the Ukrainian legal market
Future editions functionality for regulations is launched
Publication of the analytical magazine Yuryst&Zakon (“Lawyer&Law”)
Launch of Vidomosti - a series of daily publications for all target categories of LIGA ZAKON
Release of the analytical magazine Bukhalter&Zakon (“Accountant&Law”)
Release of the intelligent platform 8.0 with the Backward Linkage mechanism
Launch of the new extended line 8.1 of LIGA ZAKON systems
A new version of the system, LIGA ZAKON 7.8, includes a “Digital Daily” electronic edition
All assets of the Bondarenko family are united in the LIGA Company Group. Serhiy Bondarenko becomes the President of the Group.
VYSCHA LIGA (“HIGH LEAGUE”) - a social project to support Ukrainian education
Publication of the first electronic analytical newspaper Pravovy Aspekt (“Legal Aspect”)
The newspaper Seychas (“Now”), issued until 2009
The company opens own business center “LIGA” at Timofiya Shamrila Street, 23, Kyiv
LIGA ZAKON becomes a Microsoft Certified Partner
LIGA ZAKON online versions are available
Publication of The Art Of Defense printed edition
“LIGABusinessInform" trademark is registered
Obtaining the status of Technical Administrator of the Register of Regulations
Launch of LIGA:Accountant and LIGA:Director products
CD-guides (until 2011)
Launch of the extended product line by LIGA ZAKON - “Classic”, “Business”, “Professional", “Elite”, “Corporation”
The company obtains the leading role in the “Golden Trademark” national competition
The Active Sales department is introduced
RTT project (real-time terminal)
The range of business information has been expanded in LIGA ZAKON systems: enterprise bankruptcy database, consultations, handbooks, standard forms and contracts, glossary, judicial practice
Referent functionality is added to LIGA ZAKON systems
The joint project by LIGA ZAKON & the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the formation of the Unified State Register of Legal Acts.
Received ISO 9001 for the first time in Ukraine.
Release of LIGA ZAKON’s innovative 7th version and DMS
Launch of the informational legal project for Ukrainian universities
LIGA ZAKON trademark is registered
The software received the first certificate of conformity to the international standard ISO / IEC 12119: 1194 and DSTU 2850-1994
Cooperation with the magazine "Bulletin Of The Tax Service" & introduction of analytical materials to the product
Introduction of online version for the informational legal system
The system is recorded on CDs
Purchase of domain name
Launch of - a search server for normative documents - which is comparable by popularity with the Verkhovna Rada web portal
The advent of the Windows version of the system
Future LIGA ZAKON product family got its first name - Computer Law Library ZAKON
Computer legal systems by LIGA are widely distributed among large government agencies
Introduction of the scroll editions/modified fragments technology (patented in 2001)
First commercial DOS version of the legal system & the first information partner - the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
The field of computer-based legal systems emerges in Ukraine
LIGA - collective research and production small enterprise - is registered
LIGA Information and Analytical Center is established (founders are three family members: Volodymyr Egipko, Maryna Bondarenko, and Serhiy Bondarenko)
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Ukrainian developer of information and analytical products with strong competence in big data with high standards of customer service.
Solutions Liga360